# Channel P101tv | Buying an Old Porsche 911

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Buying an Older Porsche 911

Many people believe that buying a Porsche 911 is very expensive. Well, i'm pleased to report that the older classic Porsche 911's are now a very affordable option when considering buying your next car. Whether for a classic or a daily driver, they are strong contender. A good 911 will last you forever if you treat it correctly, but there are plenty of Porsche 911's out there that haven't been cared for properly and they are just waiting to be bought by an unsuspecting 'newbie' Porsche buyer, who could end up with a complete disaster zone and represent a huge money pit to put right.

Buying a classic PorscheThe older Porsche 911's do not have the modern under body protective plastic shields that new cars have to protect them from stone chips and rust. The older Porsche 911's before 1974 didn't even have galvanised body shells.

But even with the pit falls, it shouldn't put you off considering an older Porsche 911. By older 911 I am referring to those 911's before 1990.

All you need to do is be vigilant and if uncomfortable then seek the advice of an expert. You might also consider joining a Porsche Forum and see the advice of others who have trodden the path before you. The m911 Forums is one such, but there are plenty of others.

m911 forums for 911 owners and enthusiasts

So there are a few areas that you need to watch out for in order to spot the tell tails of corrosion and neglect. Here are a few spots to look out for where the rust may have grabbed hold already:

● the battery tray in the front luggage compartment;
● front wings underneath the headlight bezels;
● the front wing around the fuel filler cap;
● the kidney bowls;
● the rear arches;
● the inner sills;
● the front window area
● the rear window area

This sounds a lot, and it would be a really neglected 911 that has problems in all of these areas but you have to have your eyes open.

Before buying take your time to look at some good ones. Join a forum and the broader community. Our very own Channel P101tv is a general Porsche community, ideal for generally looking at other Porsches and maybe making contact with other Porsche enthusiasts. Also don't forget to look at our Porsche Folio for other references and resources.

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m911 forums for 911 owners and enthusiasts

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Couldnt agree more Pete.  The prices are mental at the moment.

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Looking at some of the second hand prices recently, your budget is something thats going to be stretched alot.   I saw a 993 RS for more than £200k and a 356 for for almost £300k recently.  Its a brave new world!

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Some very sound advice for buying a Porsche in this article.  I do think sometimes the heart rules the head and you can find yourself in a world of pain if you dont try nd take a dispassionate view of the car before making the buuy decision.

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You raise a good point Vaugh.  That is heart versus brain.  As much as you work out the economics of Porsche ownership, there's always the problem of your heart getting involved.  All the calulations around economics go out the window and your heart takes over.  Innevitably this can mean that you end up paying over the odds for the Porsche you love!

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i've often found that in buying a car ,you'll either want one mearly to own and enjoy  without the pain of restoration, or you just love the idea of fixing that old car you found in back yard dying slowly.Either way i've always believed that you 've got two choices buy one restored already (less pain) or work out what you to spend on the car ,and buy acordingly, either way have fun.

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The Kidney Bowls are a definite one to watch.  They are not cheap to fix, probably £1800 per side.  Buyer beware!

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Plus one on the kidney bowls.  They are a common problem and cost a bomb to have done properly.  Buyer be ware!

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Yep, the kidney bowls are the potential killer. They cost small fortunes to have replaced. If you can get the 911 cheap enough then OK, but better to have one that doesnt need the work. Great little guide.

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I couldn't agree more Nine. The kidneys are a prone area for rust and very expensive to repare. Buyers beware!

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Thats a good overall summary. The kidney bowls which you mention are a very important area to look at. These can cost a small fortune to have fixed if you cant do it yourself. You have to be looking at £2,000 per kidney to have fixed and painted afterwards etc. Another area worth looking at is just the floor in general. There are no pastic protection guards under the car so they can take a beating.

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