# Channel P101tv | Porsche Fuchs Alloy Wheels

Porsche Folio "Articles & Guides"

The Birth of the Porsche Fuchs Alloy Wheel

The Fuchs alloy has been synonymous with Porsche since time immoral. The most famous design is the 'windmill' design seen on 911's from 1962 and which came to an end in 1989. They look fabulous and still cost a small fortune to buy today, but why all the fuss. What's so special about the Fuchs wheels.

Fuchs Wheel
The Fuchs Alloy Wheel
Well, here's what I think. It goes back to the early 60's when Porsche needed a new type of wheel for their then new car the type 911. Porsche needed a wheel that was strong, dimensionally accurate, attractive and above all it had to be light in weight. A reduction in the un-sprung mass of the 911 would bring with it benefits to the 911's ride quality. Cast wheels would not have given Porsche what it needed so Porsche approached a company called OTTO FUCHS in Meinerzhagen to produce these wheels and thereafter the legendary Fuchs were born.

The particular Fuch shown here is actually one of mine, that has just been stripped and polished. Its a 16x7 inch type 951 wheel which has a slightly bigger offset than the type 911 wheel. I elected not to have the OEM anodise finished replaced. I prefer the polished look and is my interpretation of the RSR wheel.

The unprotected petals will be a bit of pain to keep in this condition, but regular waxing along with the rest of the car will stop the brake dust attacking the surface.

All is not lost and the hero returns.....
Along with Porsches new 997, the 911 Sport Classic, sees the resurection of the Fuchs wheel. Bigger than the original it looks a little different with the elongated petals, but its great to see that they are back!
Porsche 911 Sport Classic Fuch
The Porsche 19 inch Fuchs

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It's Fuchs every time for me. They are no better wheels for a Porsche.

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Its easy enough to polish them yourself. Just takes patience and elbow grease.

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Any recommendations as to where I can get my Fuchs polished? Prefereably as close to Bristol UK as possible!

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Hi Nineeleven - that's a good question.  I don't have the exact answer, but I could make an estimate.  They weren;t around for the 2.7's as they ran 15's. I tink they were first available for the Porsche 911 SC which made its debut in 1979.

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When was the earliest production date for the 6 X 16 Fuchs classic 911 5 spoke?

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The best wheel ever made in my opinion.  Definitely ahead of its time.

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Personally I think the original Fuch's alloy is the best wheel ever produced by Porsche.  It not only looks great, but it's contructed perfectly and to igh and exacting standards.  It's nice tat it's returned, but for me the originals look the best.

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