Replacing an Oil Pressure Switch on a 74-89 Porsche 911
A common problem on the Porsche 911's between 1974 and 1989 was the failure of the oil pressure switch. This results in oil leaking in the engine bay. This kind of oil leak is often hard to track down as the oil finds its way down the sides of the engine and onto the heat exchangers. This can often send you hunting for leaks in the wrong place and even conclude an incorrect origin for the oil leak. When ever you get an oil leak, it's always worth have a peak inside the engine bay to see if there's traces of oil. If there is, it could very well be the oil pressure switch. You'll only know for sure once you get your hands on the culprit.
Tools Required
Suprisingly, you only need a few pieces of of kit from your toolbag:
▶ Socket wrench
▶ 24mm long reach socket
▶ Socket Extension
▶ Torque Wrench
▶ OEM Oil Pressure Switch
A Step by Step Guide
This is a very straight forward process and should take more than a few minutes. With the OEM air Box in the way, once removed this should have a total time of 30 mins. If your lucky enough to be running ITB's then the whole process is shortend to about 10 minutes.
Step 1. Make sure you purchase an original Oil Pressure Switch from Porsche. There are after market ones available more cheaply, but I have seen these fail to such an extent that the oil loss is huge increasing the likelyhood of damage to your valuable Porshe 911 engine. The Part Number is '911 606 230 00' which is the same for all 911's between 1974 to 1989.
Step 2. If you have the OEM airbox installed, remove the whole assembly to give yourself more room to work in the engine compartment.
Step 3.Locate the oil pressure switch. You'll find it at the back of the engine as you look at it, close to the rear chassis cross member.
Step 4. Remove the oil pressure switch using the 24mm socket. You'll be able to confirm that the oil pressure switch is faulty at this stage as you'll see oil seeping through the switch where the plastic meets the metal shroud.
Step 5. Screw in the replacement pressure switch by hand and then tighten to 15-21nm with a torque wrench. This troque setting is fine. Don't be tempted to over tighten or you damage the seat.
Step 6.The final step is to re-assemble the airbox and anything else you removed to gain access.
And that's it really. A very simple straight forward job that would otherwise cost you a small fortune if carried out at a Porsche dealership.
Oil Pressure Switch Change Video Guide
We've put together a short video guide to take you through the oild pressure switch process. This video was taken during a pressure switch change on a 1974 911. You'll notice there is no airbox as this engine is fitted with Individual Throttle Bodies.
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Thank you so much for this article. I have had a nagging oil leak that Ive been searching for days. Found this article and lead me straight too. Cheap fix too! Now the engine is as dry as bone again. Thumbs up from me.