# Channel P101tv | The Porsche 911 Numbering System

Porsche Folio "Articles & Guides"

Porsche 911 Nomenclature

Ever been confused by the Porsche 911 numbering system. Hopefully this will help explain the Porsche 911 Nomenclature

The name 911 can often be a bit confusing. You'll often hear the model type referred to as the 911, the 964, or the 997 etc. These are Porsche's own internal numbering classification, but they are all 911's. Porsche advertise all 911 models as a Porsche 911. This has been the case from the first 911 in 1963 to the present incarnation, the 991.

Here is the history of the internal Porsche 911 classification.

Porsche 911 NomenclaturePorsche 911 (built between 1963 and 1989)
Porsche 930 a turbo variant of the original 911
Porsche 964 (built between 1989 and 1993)
Porsche 993 (built between 1993 and 1998)
Porsche 996 (built between 1999 and 2005)
Porsche 997 (built between 2005 and 2011)
Porsche 991 (built from 2011 to Present day)

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To confuse matters further, you'll also specific letters (A, B, C, D etc.) used by Porsche to indentify a specific revision for production cars. This lettering changes approximately once per year for a new model year. The first 911 models are referred to as the "A series" and it goes from there as follows:

2.0 litre 911 O, A and B Series (1964 to 1969)
2.2 litre 911 C and D Series ( 1969 to 1971)
2.4 litre 911 E and F Series (1971 to 1973)
2.7 litre 911 G, H, I and J Series (1974 to 1977)
911 SC L M, A, B, C and D Series (1978 to 1983)
911 3.2 Carrera E, F, G, H, I, J and K Series (1983 to 1989)

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