# Channel P101tv | Porsche (PET) Electronic Parts Catalogues

Porsche Folio "Articles & Guides"

Porsche (PET) Electronic Parts Catalogue

If you like tinkering, replacing parts or servicing your Porsche then your going to need to identify the correct parts when ordering replacements. Describing a part over the telephone to a supplier can work, but sometimes only the correct Porsche Part Number will do. Porsche maintain their own official Porsche (PET) Electronics Parts catalogue to make life easier. These PET catalogues are available in PDF format on the Porsche.com website and free to use and download.

We have listed below links to each of the PET catalogues on the Porsche AG Website for the various Porsche vehicles to make it easier for you to find them. These catalogues are remain copyright of Porsche AG. Please login to continue reading the rest of this article.

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