# Channel P101tv | The Porsche 930 Slantnose or Flachbau

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Porsche 911 Turbo S Slant nose (930S)

Porsche 930 Slantnose

Porsche offered a 930 under its special order programme or "Sonderwunschprogramm" known as the "Flachbau". This was more commonly known as the "Slantnose" or "flat nose" 911. This is a rare variant of the 911 Turbo, or 930. Beginning in 1981, an otherwise normal 930 was manufactured with a 935-style slantnose instead of the normal 911 front end. Each Flachbau unit was hand built by remodeling the exisitng front wings or fenders.

It's not certain exactly how many Flachbau's were manufactured, but several sources claim the factory built 948 units. The Flachbau units delivered in Europe usually featured the 330bhp performance kit.

Here's a few facts about this rare beauty:

  • Porsche 911 Turbo S Slant nose (930S) was in production from 1981 to 1989;
  • It was available as a special order from Porsche from 1986;
  • It became an official option for USA in 1987;
  • In the USA the Slantnose with option code M505 had less horse power at 282bhp;
  • "Rest of World" Slantnose cars with option code M506 produced 330bhp;
  • In 1989 all 911 Turbos had the new 5-speed gearbox, known as type G50;
  • An estimated 948 Slantnose 930's was ever manufactured during production years.

Channel P101tv member Flatout has uploaded some pictures of his own 911 flatnose

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Some interesting specification figures for the 1988 flatnose:

3.3 litre Boxer Six (7.0:1 Compression)
Turbocharged (11 PSI)
330bhp @ 5,500 rpm
318lb-ft of torque @ 4,000 rpm
RWD, 4-Speed Manual Gearbox

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I think they should make a new one.  Maybe use the 991 as the base model, or even the 997.  I think they'd sell well.

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I believe the slantnose porsche are a bit of a thorn in some porsche owners side due to the fact that they're considered a step away from whats deemed authentic, it will be interesting to see if they ever produced a new one

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I think the Flatnose is a great looking 911.  It's a shame there aren't more of them in circulation.  I don't think I have ever seen on in real life.

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I have to admit, I love the Slantose.  It's a shame it didnt last very long.  I think there's a market for these cars even today.  I wonder why theres such a big power difference between the USA and the RoW?

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I agree they are a great looking variant of the 911. For me its because they look a bit like the 935

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I think the slant nose is a great looking car ,probably not everyones cup of tea but certainly peaks my interest.Through the seventies & certainly the mid eighties these were the way to go, not everyone could afford one ,but in the short period of time they were quite popular.

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