The Truth About Engine Oil
Your Porsche is your pride and joy and you'd be doing it an injustice if you put anything less than the best engine oil in it. You should alsways take Porsche's advice over which engine oil they recommend for your model of Porsche, but the whole area of engine oils can be very confusing. Here are a few pointers about the truth behind engine oil.
Oil or more specifically engine oil is a very complex thing these days and is a nightmare for the average punter to work out which oil offers best combination of value for money and best performance for their Porsche.

There are essentially four types of engine oil, namely:
1. Mineral oil: (conventional base oil derived directly by refining crude oil);
2. Hydrocracked oil: (extra highly refined base stocks);
3. PAO oil: (pure synthetic hydrocarbon SHC); and
4. Ester based oil: (fully synthesised from a reaction between acids and alcohols).
The more you go down the list from 1 to 4 the better the performance of the oil is but also the higher the price you pay.
Whats more important is that you should remember that it is likely that there is no such thing as a cheap synthetic engine oil. Hydrocracked oil which is a very high quality mineral oil can be marketed and sold as synthetic oil so you need to be careful when making your oil choices. Make sure you read the label and that way you'll be in a better position to know if your getting what you think your paying for.
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