# pete917's Profile on Channel P101tv | The Independent Porsche Channel
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  • Name Peter
  • Surname Bell
  • Gender Male
  • Relationship Status Single
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  • Date: 2015-10-03 19:08:44           
  • heelo Pete , I like to ask a question in regards to the birth certificates and delivery documents that are been sold 

    from Maienfeld in Switzerland (300 francs)  do you know of anyone that bought a copy from them , wondering if its worth the money ,as it seems quite expensive ,cheers Vaughn

  • Date: 2015-07-23 22:17:35           
  • Gday Pete ,long time no chat ,i,ve been busy with the valance of late and tidying up underneath  the old car, 

    I was looking at the motor the other day and thought about getting a genuine carrera 3 engine for my car ,at least it would be a 3ltr motor then , would you happen to know of any around (swap for mine or buy) cheers mate vaughn

  • Date: 2014-05-01 17:34:25           
  • Well pete finally got a reply from rainer buchmann he told me that its not there car so it must be an aftermarket kit out of hong kong, which is ok ,now to putting the original fenders back on.
  • Date: 2014-03-29 17:49:37           
  • Hey pete well ,I sent an email to eberhard schulz of bb auto exclusive the cheif designer for the company years back ,he just replied to tell me the car came out of their work shop ,a surprise he actually replied
  • Date: 2014-03-16 03:03:55           
  • g'day pete yeh the shocks on the old car are the original boge shocks from west germany ,so I'd hazard a guess they're nackered, we are ordering some  adjustables through bilstein next week ,costs a bit but worth it

  • Date: 2013-09-26 02:27:05           
  • hey pete hows the porsche going ,the mechanic took mine out for a spin the other week ,had it up to 160 mph , a bit floaty in the front ,was wondering if coil overs might be the go .

  • Date: 2013-09-15 07:09:57           
  • Hi Pete,the car is fine thanks but not had that much use this year.We,ve been to Donington a couple of times and the Croft HSCC races and Nostalgia weekend.We did a display including period costume for Help For Heroes at Bawtry recently and a couple of local shows,VSCC meeting at Cadwell Park in June and thats about it so far this year.We are planning an expedition to Le-Mans next year so that should put some more miles on the clock.How,s your 911 going?

  • Date: 2013-08-12 12:57:42           
  • Hello Pete

  • Date: 2013-07-31 15:45:57           
  • Hi Pete.  Thanks for putting together such a greeat website.  I'm addicted to it!

  • Date: 2012-07-18 19:41:40           
  • Hey Pete, how about changing me from "newbie" to something more experienced sounding? I just don't feel new any longer... :D

    Thanks my friend,


  • Date: 2012-05-26 19:34:12           
  • Thanks Pete for all your hard work on here,,

  • Date: 2011-12-28 12:04:30           
  • This is great website. Thanks for setting it up.

  • Date: 2011-11-21 15:36:22           
  • Thanks for this website Pete !!!

  • Date: 2011-10-30 17:32:37           
  • I think this site is great. I really enjoy looking around. So many great Porsches.

  • Date: 2011-10-20 15:24:00           
  • Thanks!!!

  • Date: 2011-09-26 09:37:17           
  • This is great website. Im really enjoying all the videos and pictures and chatting to other members. Thank you for creating it.

  • Date: 2011-09-16 10:08:51           
  • Really great website. Thank you for putting it together!

  • Date: 2011-05-26 18:16:21           
  • Hi Pete,many thanks for the video!it came out great,must have taken you some time to put it together, are you going to any meets this year?,hopefully i will get to go to some,anyways thanks for the video and may see you about some where,ps the site is looking better all the time,keep up the good work..........Andy

  • Date: 2010-12-26 00:53:11           
  • Pete,

    I sure appreciate all your help getting started here. A '75 Carrera with a upgraded Motronic motor and suspension is so much more a Porsche (a true driver's car) than those heavy, water cooled, weird head lighted cars that have so many systems nobody understands. The 75 has no power brakes, no power steering, no quick change suspension gadgets, no A/C. What they do have is real road feel, real sounds and smells of "machine" and no real fear a mistake here and there might cost you a fortune to make right. Gotta love the light weight and raw Porsche appeal of the early cars.

    I love the GT3's and that amazing GT3 R Hybrid... But I think I'll stick with my tight little road warrior.

    I sure like what this site is doing too! Kudo's to you Pete...


  • Date: 2010-05-30 19:18:33           
  • Thank you for the warm welcome :)