# Channel P101tv | Porsche Titanium Wheel Nuts

Porsche Folio "Articles & Guides"

Titanium Wheel Nuts for your Porsche

Channel P101tv Porsche Titanium Wheel Nuts Titanium Wheel Nuts for Porsche models up to 1989

We are pleased to offer OEM style titanium wheel nuts for your Porsche. These outstanding wheel nuts are manufactured to exacting standards using advance computer numerical control (CNC) machines, which ensure the wheel nuts are produced to strict quality standards and tolerances.

Our wheel nuts are manufactured using aerospace grade 5 titanium which is as strong as steel yet less than 50% of the weight. Titanium also has an exceptionally high resistance to corrosion, so unlike steel, these titanium wheel nuts will maintain their mechanical integrity and attractive appearance over time.

This nut is designed to fit Porsches across the model range up to 1989. Please ensure that when fitting this nut that you are using them with the original Porsche supplied wheel that has the ball type recess for the nut seat. Failure to use the nut with a wheel without the correct ball seat could result in damage to both wheel and nut.

Porsche Petrol Titanium Wheel Nuts
Wheel Nut Specification
  • Type: OEM Style direct replacement
  • Thread: M14x1.5 mm
  • Thread length: 22mm
  • Nut Length: 32mm
  • Nut Width: 19mm AF
  • Seat: OEM, Ball type
  • Weight: 30g per wheel nut
  • Finish: Bright machined titanium
  • Quantity: 20 pcs

Porsche Petrol Titanium Wheel Nuts
Titanium Specification
  • Titanium: Ti Gr5 6Al 4v
  • Condition: Annealed
  • Tensile Strength: 995mpa (144,312psi)
  • Yield Strength: 892mpa (129,373psi)


It is recommended that the wheel nuts are installed using a good anti slip compound. The wheel nuts should be tightened to Porsche's torque specifications. We also recommend the use of a soft socket when fitting or removing the nuts in order to prevent them being marked or damaged. Please make sure before placing your order that the wheel nut dimensions will fit your Porsche and wheel combination.

How Much Do They Cost

The price for a set of 20 titanium wheel nuts is £259.80. If you need to buy wheel nuts individually they are £12.99 each. All prices exclude postage and packaging. The wheel nuts are wrapped individually within their package for extra protection. As these titanium wheel nuts are valuable they will be sent recorded delivery.

Please contact us with your requirements inidcating if your require a set or a smaller number. Tell us your location and well provide you with the postage costs. All payments can be made with PayPal for your convenience.

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Thank you.  I need a complete set.  Email sent.

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Hi Blogsy. Yep, they are still for sale.  I have a set on my old 911.  They do look great. 

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These look amazing.  Are they still for sale?

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Great stuff.  Ordered mine a few days ago.  Looking forward to the new bling look when they arrive.wink

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Nice one Mistergee.  Shiney bits are precious. agreement01

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Ive had a set of these on my car for a while,

I engraved my initials on each of the nuts with a dremel

err (for security)? just in case lol



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Just found this.  I'm in.  Just ordered my set. I have only ever seen adverts for newer Porsches.  Its nice the old ones havent been forgotten.  Nice one P101tv.

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Hi Alex.  I used to work with Titanium years ago, and your right its definitely challenging to work with.  It is a fantastic material though, so strong and light weight - and of course above all its shiney agreement02

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Glad you like them Alex.  Titanium is not only shiny, it's unfortunately expensive.  They are cool though indecision

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Reply by: ALEX P  Date: 06-12-14
Don't I bloody know it mate!! It's also quite a hard material to work with and weld. As with so many things, you get what you pay for.

Very nice, gonna buy myself a lotto ticket today!

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