# Channel P101tv | Finding Porsche Options and Codes

Porsche Folio "Options & Codes"

How to Find Your Porsche Options Codes

Finding your Porsche Options codes is easy. For most Porsches you can find the codes rinted on a sticker located under the bonnet or hood of your Porsche. You can also find a copy of the options codes printed in your Porsche Warranty manual.

The Options Sticker is Missing or I Don't Have a Warranty manual

Even if the Options sticker is missing and you dont have the original warranty manual you can still find the Options codes for your Porsche. Porsche store data on each of their cars in a Cardex system. If you supply Porsche your car's VIN number, they will be able to retrieve the information from the Cardex system.

Your can read more about locating your VIN number in our dedicated VIN number section from the menu to the right. Out VIN number section will also show you how to decode the meaning of each of the digits that make up the VIN number.

Have we missed something or feel something should be added?

As always, we aim to provide an accurate, complete and up to date database of the various Porsche options and codes. If there's something missing that you feel needs to be included or if something doesn't seem quite right, then please let us know. Just click on "Contact us" at the bottom of the page.

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