# 911 Club Sport at 2011 Targa Tasmania - 4 Cams and Data Overlay
Now Playing: 911 Club Sport at 2011 Targa Tasmania - 4 Cams and Data Overlay
  • Description:    (See More)
    Come for a flast blast over Moriarty stage on Day 1 of the 5 Day Targa Tasmania. Recorded on a Race Technology Video 4 camera and data system from http//www.racerecall.com
  • Tags:  Porsche  911  Club  Sport  targa  tasmania  tarmac  rally  
  • Channel:  Motorsport
  • Added:  09-08-11  Views:  (2647)
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By: pete917
Date: 10-08-11
Rated: 0

Great run Mark. The four camera set up and digital display looks very good. Nice to be able to see the guages as well as in car shots at the same time. What's the set up achive all that?

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