# Rockingham International Super Sportscar Circuit with Friends
Now Playing: Rockingham International Super Sportscar Circuit with Friends
  • Description:    (See More)
    Rockingham International Super Sportscar circuit. On board a Porsche 924 S GT Porsche Fleet Car
  • Tags:  Porsche  924  S  Track  Day  Rockingham  International  
  • Channel:  Trackdays
  • Added:  21-01-15  Views:  (1912)
  • (100%) (1 Vote)

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By: niner
Date: 16-02-15
Rated: 0

Great little video.  I love to see POrsches on track.  It's where they belong IMHO

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By: hoffman
Date: 06-02-15
Rated: 0

I'm loving it.  People dont seem to pay any attention to the 924's.  Personally I thiunk they are a great Porsche and its great to see one on track!

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By: pete917
Date: 21-01-15
Rated: 0

Track days with friends. That's what it's all about.

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