# Porsche 924 S Bedford Autodrome January 2014
Now Playing: Porsche 924 S Bedford Autodrome January 2014
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    From my Porsche 924 S (160bhp) at Bedford Autodrome on 18th January, 2014. Footage from the afternoon when the track had dried out. Clip includes some other much faster cars. My car is standard apart from SPAX suspension...
  • Tags:  Porsche  924  S  Bedford  Autrodrome  Track  Day  SPAX  
  • Channel:  Trackdays
  • Added:  19-01-14  Views:  (2416)
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By: Dave
Date: 20-01-14
Rated: 0

Oh, I forgot.  I sawa track day article over in the folio section recently.  Here's a link: http://p101tv.com/article_view.php?article=11

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By: Dave
Date: 20-01-14
Rated: 0

Nice video.  I love watching track day videos.  Driving a Porsche full on is definitely how it should be done.  There loads of other great trackday videos on here.  This is a personal favourite http://p101tv.com/videos/1127/coronado-vintage-race.

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Reply by: PawnSacrifice
Date: 23-01-14

Great seeing someone who knows how to drive! Thanks.

By: pete917
Date: 19-01-14
Rated: 0

A great little video.  You and the 924 are performning very well.  The Bedford circuit looks excellent for track days.  Has nice wide, soft and safe run off areas if you make a mistake.  I live near brands hatch and visit often.  A great circuit but not very forgiving if you make a mistake !  Thanks for sharing agreement01

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Reply by: PawnSacrifice
Date: 20-01-14

Thanks, I've a lot to learn still, but better each time out. Bedford's great for learning too, designed with run off in mind.

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