
The sun seems to be dissapearing on the horizon now as we enter September. It doesn't seem to have dampend our spirits though. Lots of new Porsche videos and pictures have been upload as well as more new fellow Porsche enthusiats have joined the P101tv fold.

This months "Porsche on the Cover" is Andy Mile's Beautiful Porsche 911 SC. You have to see it to believe it.

Porsche Fun & Games

So you think you know about Porsche? We've created a Quiz to test your knowledge of your favourite supercar manufacturer. The Porsche Quiz is a new feature for Channel P101tv. We've started with a short general knowledge quiz to get you all warmed up. But watch this space as we have many more quizzes in the pipeline to test the beginner as well as the expert!.

That's Once Amazing 911 SC

Who says you have to have the latest Porsche. Channel P101tv's very own Andy Miles has created a beautiful Porsche from his old Porsche 911 SC. It has to be one of the best SC's around. Andy has undertaken a mamoth task of restoring and tweaking his SC to make his perfect 911. Take a look at Andy's channel.

Some Tips on Claying your Porsche

Getting your paintwork clean is vital if your planning to polish and wax your Porsche's paintwork to perfection.

A Clay Bar is a simply a blended clay material with a similar feel to something akin to blue tack, although slightly harder and stickier. The basic concept of the Clay Bar is that you rub it over your Porsche paintwork using a lubricant, and the stickiness of the Clay Bar will remove any impurities from your paint, such as dirt, grime and general organic contaminants.

City Slickers

Not wanting to blow my own trumpet, but August was alot of fun. I was asked to take part in a photo shoot for 911 & Porscheworld Magazine along side a friends 930. I took my old 1974 911 upto London bright and early one saturday morning in August and enjoyed photo session in front of some of London's landmarks as well as give an interview for the accompanying article. Despite getting up when it was still dark, it made for a fun day out as well as enjoying the chance of a blast in central London before most people were awake. There are a few pictures that I took with my phone which don't really do it justice. Feel free to have a look, but if you get a chance to have a peek at the Magazine, the pictures are of outstanding quality.

P101tv Has Gone All Social

Channel P101tv has joined the world of Social Networking and created Pages on Both Facebook and GooglePlus. We'll post updates on what's been going on over on Channel P101tv, news, new features, must see videos and pictures and of course newsletter updates. You'll find quick links to our Facebook and GooglePlus pages in the header of the newsletter and in the footer of the main website pages.

And finally......Did you Know?

The more Porsche pictures and videos we upload, the better place P101tv becomes for all. You can create multiple photo albums and upload lots of pictures into each album. We support many formats including .jpg, .png and .gif files. Once uploaded your pictures can then be viewed in the 'P101tv Images' sections. By clicking on any member photo album via a Carousel, or by clicking on the main picture, you will be able to look at each picture in a higher resolution.

We have a growing help section on P101tv to help you make the most of the web site. It's constantly growing so check it from time-to-time

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The Independent Porsche Channel